Phishing Protection

Insulate your business from malicious activity disguised as routine emails.

Avoid Threats That Arrive in Your Inbox

Phishing is one of the most common forms of cyber attacks. Each and every day, billions of emails from bad actors are sent out. Some of them appear to be from legitimate companies or organizations. Some contain a harmless-looking attachment that, when clicked, opens the door for hackers.

Protecting your organization from phishing attempts takes a combination of education and security measures. Victims of attacks usually miss signs that an email that has landed in their inbox is fraudulent, and the types of scams being employed are always evolving.

While simply opening a phishing email is generally harmless, once the recipient follows instructions inside — such as logging into a service they use to check the activity on their account — the information they provide can easily be captured and exploited. 

Why Phishing Protection Matters

Many phishing emails are easy to spot. Spelling is incorrect or the sender address looks out of place. But the more sophisticated attacks have the potential to fool even the most vigilant, and once a phishing attempt is successful, it can have serious consequences.


Stolen data

Information about your employees and customers is released into the wild.

Compromised logins

Credentials to your systems and applications are sold to the highest bidder.


Your company’s propriety information is held hostage.

Reputation damage

Stolen data and disruptions to your operations drive customers away.

What's Included?

Phishing protection is a part of our suite of cyber security solutions. We can both implement anti-phishing tools and educate your team. Our methods include:

  • Education for employees on how to recognize the signs of a phishing attack
  • Implementation of multi-factor authentication to force users to have more than one way to sign into accounts
  • Installation of protections to prevent attacks like spoofing and impersonation
  • Isolation of sensitive emails
  • Filtering based on active content, connection, and policy
  • Creating separate outbound delivery pools for high-risk emails

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