Dark Web Monitoring

Searching for stolen information on the internet you don't see.

A Haven for Online Criminals

The internet you interact with daily is just the surface of a much larger ecosystem. Below it is what’s known as the dark web — thousands of websites that are only accessible through a specialized web browser.

While there are legitimate uses for the dark web, it’s also a place where crime thrives. Passwords, credit card numbers, login credential, illegal content — if it has been stolen or runs afoul of the law, it can be found there.

By regularly interacting with the dark web, company IT can both discover if credentials and other sensitive information has been stolen. More importantly, they can significantly limit the damage stolen information can cause.

Why Dark Web Monitoring Matters

Information stolen via phishing and other cyber attacks regularly finds its way onto the dark web, where it can easily be sold. But unlike most stolen goods, information hackers illegally obtain doesn’t hit the dark web immediately.


Undetected breaches

Hackers often sit on stolen information for week or even years, making detecting breaches difficult.

Ongoing damage

Stolen data is routinely sold off in pieces, prolonging the damage to your company.

Widespread damage

Anything from your email passwords to your credit card numbers can be easily sold on the dark web.

Helping bad actors profit

The markets for stolen data generate hundreds of millions of dollars.

What's Included?

Dark web monitoring is included in our suite of cyber security services. Our process works like this:

  • Regular scanning of dark web sites for credentials belonging to our clients and their accounts
  • If credentials are found, we immediately walk our clients through resetting passwords
  • A forensic investigation is conducted to determine how the leak happened and whether there are other areas where the client may be at risk

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